For nearly 10 years, Machinery Rings across Scotland have worked with Case IH to offer members a rebate on purchases made through Case IH dealerships. Tarff Services falls under the Scottish Machinery Ring  Association umbrella, which means members of Tarff Services* can access the rebate scheme.

In order for members to receive their rebate,  they must send their finance documents/copy of dealer invoice to Peter Falconer, Tarff Services Case IH Administrator, as soon as possible (

The scheme runs from 1st December – 30th November and rebates are returned the following February.

Case IH Dealerships in Tarff Services area:
Ramsay & Jackson, Mauchline
R C Dalgliesh, Lockerbie
Davidson Tractors, Whauphill

For more information, please call 01557 820247.

*If you are a member of Tarff Valley, you are automatically entitled to use Tarff Services.